Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MTV "you got it if it makes you feel good"

I imagine this song quite literally, which makes it decidedly masochistic.

I imagine the woman has her philandering lover hogtied in a cellar, and with every crying curse she stabs. She stabs her chest searching for a little piece to force down his throat. She guts her gaping chest and forces him to take it.

Another little piece, squeezed between thumb and forefinger, pushed to the back of the throat. His lips stretched taut to tear from the volume of everything a woman can possibly give.

She stabs for another little piece. Clawing and retrieving the scraps of her heart, her lungs, her skin, her bones. Break it and chew and struggle to swallow back the sick. Come on. It's tough, but have another little piece. Come on. Take it.

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